traction-wheel Img

traction-wheel Img

AgraMover’s popularity in part is due to it’s unique traction wheels, made from high strength urethane as opposed to the neoprene O-ring design the competition uses. We bonded molded urethane tires to the glass filled nylon spindles with a special adhesive agent. We learned that this agent can create a chemical reaction to the urethane that after several years of use can cause cracking.

Even though several years of use exceeds all expectations of the competitions’ tires, we still were not satisfied.

NOW we don’t use an adhesive agent of any kind. Instead we mold the urethane directly to the spindle. Instead of two separate tires, we mold the urethane over almost the entire spindle. It can’t break loose, it can’t crack, and it takes a lot more stress to wear one of these babies out than the old version ever dreamed of.

The old version has been completely phased out to embrace the new one. So if you order a rebuild kit for an old AgraMover, it will come with the new spindle just like all future AgraMovers will.

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